Who Made My Clothes?

Who Made My Clothes?

Here at Yobel Market we are dedicated to knowing the story behind every single one of our beautiful products. We partner with organizations that take people and creating seriously. The products we sell are handmade with intention; every step in the production process is known. Each individual who hand makes our beautiful gifts is treated with respect and paid a fair wage. So when you ask us the question: Who made my jewelry, my scarf, my bag? We can tell you.

Fashion Revolution is a non-profit organization dedicated to transparency in the fashion industry. It began after 2013 when the Rana Plaza factory in Bangladesh collapsed causing 1135 garment workers to lose their lives. Fashion Revolution week marks the five year anniversary and invites the question, “who made my clothes?”

How can you participate?

  • Start asking the question and do your research. See if your favorite brand is transparent in how they make their products.
  • Look after your clothes, treat them well, and make them last.
  • Buy from fair trade and ethical brands. It can make a difference, especially in the lives of those that are making the products.
Go to fashionrevolution.org  or #whomademyclothes for more information on how you can take part in the fashion revolution and make sure to visit us at yobelmarket.com or come in to our store for any number of ethically sourced beautiful products!

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